main lake sailed Minnetonka

12/31 tuesday. lots of ice in front of carson bay. only hassard is visible seam ne of yc goes across the lake. otherwise seems solid. 6” ++ ice. sailed by meyer miller bloome and maggie!! schofield. looks like iceboat new years!!! no snow in forecast. get your iceboats out now!!! ❤️ west reg regatta maybe in OshKosh this or next weekend. ps: over the weekend with the ice freezing and expanding be aware of new cracks and hazards forming. ps: 1/4 yes new cracks forming with the cold. so check it out before full speed. ps NITE for sale in tonka bay. $4000. excellent shape.

Ice is never safe

12/27 big melt starting. then cold. by 1/3 should have zambonied safe ice somewhere. will post and possible western reg reg called on for 1/3. proceed with caution on refrozen lakes!

sailing sunday 12/22 and monday. west arm sailing called on for wed. 12/18

mathew and dave want to sail. mathew is a new coast guard pilot and wants to pilot his iceboat. hope we can find sailable ice after thurs snow and a cold sat. so anyone with favorable ice conditions let us know. main lake is froze. meyer. ps: west arm miller house sailing wed before the snow?! or silver lake is a possibility ps2: sun sailing thru the snow maybe pos sun. 10 to 20. main lake minnetonka? thurs: looking toasted 6”. on to someplace with water to freeze. madison but two week forecast not that cold further north marinett?

Back to Minnewaska

Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger

The 2024 DN Western Region Championship has been called on for Lake Minnewaska in Starbuck, MN, scheduled for December 14–15, 2024.

The International Skeeter Association (ISA) Regatta has also been called on for the same location. This collaborative event promises an exciting weekend of ice sailing for all participating fleets.

Final confirmation will be posted by noon on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to seeing you on the ice!

Western Challenge called on Lake Minnewaska Starbuck Mn Dec. 6,7 and 8 2024

Great Western Challenge Called ON

December 6, 7 and 8th Lake Minnewaska, Starbuck MN

We have ICE !!!!!

Attention all DN sailors: The Great Western Challenge is called on

It’s time to get the whole gang back together, everyone is welcome. The Western Challenge is an informal, fun regatta for DNs. Sailors of all abilities are encouraged to attend. Come learn about DN sailing, test your gear, meet up with friends, and do some scrub racing.

The Fun starts on Friday, always the best day. We will keep posting any updates here as they are available.

Think Ice.


2024 Western Challenge

Fun cold day on Lake Minnewaska, at Starbuck beach. 8 of us ripped up the smooth ice Max speed 37.6 mph on my new boat flying an FO1 with 6-9 mph winds. Great ice with 1” overnight fluffy snow. No drifting yet but Wednesday blowing hard. Tomorrow, we are all staying to race some more. Come join us to see if you can hang with Struble, Doyle and Bloom and the rest of us. Final call on location Wednesday PM. Hoping the snow all blows off!

western challenge regatta

december 6,7 & 8. very cold weather moving into ashby over thanksgiving. lake christina to be scouted after thanksgiving for surface conditions. closer option looks to be lake buffalo as likely will also be frozen by 12/1. friday night freeze looks promising! tom meyer. sat am: report is christina froze rough. the pelican bay is froze and looks good and making more ice. mike bloom and dave g sailing it sun. may stay all week. still hoping buffalo freezes sun and usable reg or battlelake. sun night: starbuck being sailed mon by bloom struble meyer miller. others. looks promising

NW Regatta

Sunday is the last day of this incredible event being held on Lake Waconia, just 25 minutes West of Minneapolis. Spectators welcome.
Look at how our own MN racers of Jim McDonagh, Pat Heppert, John Dennis and Mike Bloom are kicking ass!

NW and DN NA’s coming to Lake Waconia

Must be the best ice in North America!

Site logo image DN North America Read on blog or Reader
2024 DN North American Championship Called ON for Waconia, MN

Deb Whitehorse
February 20

We are pleased to announce the primary site for the upcoming DN North American Championship ahead of schedule.

The primary site for the championship will be Lake Waconia in Waconia, MN, and we will continue to scout ice in Minnesota for backup sites.

Minnetonka is fine!

Lake Minnetonka froze weird but seems to be good. It's kinda freaky the way it froze. There are folks sailing out of Wayzata sailing school and the Minnetonka Yacht Club island.

So much ice out there, it's pretty amazing.

All the big boat regattas got postponed till after the next freeze.

Northwest Regatta called on for Waconia!! along with ISA and WSSA!!

2 Feb 2024 9:00 am
28 Feb 2024 5:00 pm

Lake Waconia, could become the Iceboat Capitol of the World Feb 2nd, 2024

It's Friday, Saturday, Sunday (unless its the ISA and then they start on Thursday?)

Northwest Regatta preempts both the ISA Championship and the Wisconsin Stern Steering Regatta! All three are called on for Waconia!

Final Call on Wednesday.

Follow for up to date information

This is going to be pretty amazing to have the Northwest with all the different boats from Stern Steerers to Skeeters to DN's (and everything inbetween!)

This is the farthest North West the Northwest Regatta has been to my knowledge.

Here is what a day on the Lake Waconia was like this last weekend, with less than 6kts breeze and 32Deg Fahrenheit.

Enjoy the the musical styling of The Pixies while you check the ice.

western regional regatta

called on for jan 6 and 7. final site selection by 3pm thursday. the two sites being consider by eagle river wis or lake osakis mn. meyer. 5” drifts and no wind sat in phelps wis. jeff mimi dave g. erin sam and dad plus miller meyer (bloom was sailing in china and rob was smart and doyle somewhere water sailing) from here drove there (total 42 boats) and back while osakis was good sat with 1” snow and 12 mph. oh well. nice area to visit. so reg postponed till 1/13. but weather outlook not promising for ice but stay tuned.

new yrs sailing primary site lake buffalo

Epic sailing on buffalo wed thru sat couple new shows mathew kickhafer and chicago meyer showed up sat to replace a couple un named leakers. jimmy liked it so much he sailed all night. getting colder thursday night so hopefully the ice is ready sat but maybe not till sun as colder sat night. after Xmass rains will need to be scouted!! may need back up plan for up north for sun/mon sailing. meyer. tuesday: buffalo water. so up nord somewhere? if buffalo re freezes wed/thurs night maybe thick enough by mon? or as cold mon night sail it tue to get reg on it?

Twilight Solstice Sail

First time I ever felt comfortable taking a twilight Christmas Lights tour of Buffalo on Solstice!

sailing sat sun 12/9. now wednesday 12/13. next up tue 12/19? wed. lake buffalo!!!

silver has 3.5” ice but 50 deg wed thurs fri. being checked fri am but prob iffy. so ashby seems the call right now for sat. mike bloom plus others. i plan on staying sat and also sailing sunday. meyer. wed am: ashby looking too windy on sat for DNs. maybe perfect for mini skeeters regatta or nites. hoping silver an option especially sun after a cold sat night. pat heppert reports sun am silver has spots only 1”. ashby didnt get sat snow so pat going there. miller and meyer plan on sailing silver wed or by his house west arm which is also frozen over. plenty of ice by wed.

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