5156 back on the ice!

After a day of sailing in 5-10 mph winds on some fairly rough ice, every thing is still holding together...

[3/1 Update: still holding after a long day of hard sailing in high-teens and low 20s]

Back on the ice!


Yes the repairs look good

Yes the repairs look good where did you sail?

Lake Monona

.. in downtown Madison:

Thanks for the compliments!
It doesn't look so great close up...
I used some really old (dark purple) WEST hardener when I filled the cracks, so they do stand out even underneath the glass.  But, it's sailing, and seems to be solid.

looks great

I was following your reconstruction and it looks great. Thanks for the pics and story..

Count me as one of many (I'm

Count me as one of many (I'm sure) who appreciate your blogging efforts, Geoff. The pictures are great.